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A-Mazing Employees

The following employees are being recognized as A-Mazing employees by the Arapahoe Basin team. This award is in recognition of their exceptional work and effort for the period of May to August!

Aerial Adventure Park:

Jess Kuhn – Jess has gone above and beyond to work towards her Ranger 3. She has a positive attitude every day and is willing to go above and beyond. She takes on more responsibilities and can handle any situation thrown at her!

Stephen Barbosa – Stephen has come to work every day in happy mood and is always positive. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to co-workers and to guests. He constantly wants to learn new things and spread his knowledge about A-basin to everyone!

Lift Ops:

John Page - Has shown an enormous amount of growth through his time here. It is refreshing seeing someone continue to be curious about the workings of the equipment they are using and always wanting to learn more. Not to mention his love for the mountain stands true and you will most likely see him here on his days off exploring what a-basin has to offer.

Chris Koschnick - As our most experienced lift operator Chris’s knowledge of the lift continues to shine through every summer. Between crushing the Tramway inspection and always keeping our operating procedures in check. We definitely feel the lift is safe hands while Chris is operating.


Jake Hood - has been the best example of excellence. Professional, courteous, and always with a positive attitude. Always on time and ready to go. Completed a year of employment with Arapahoe Sports. Moving on to Bend OR for winter 23/24 to work with a ski company building skis. Jake has been a pleasure to have on the team. I have always said “give me 5 Jake’s and we would be in great shape around here”. Wishing him all the best in his future endeavors! Thanks Jake!!

Guest Services:

Laker Mines

F&B A-Frame:

Grayson Haldane - Grayson is on his second summer here with us in 6th Alley! He has been an integral part of our restaurant team and was a rock star this winter too! He is always willing to pitch in to help where needed, work super hard to provide great service to guests and be a force of positivity on the f&b team!

Braeleigh Carson - Braeleigh has come back to the Basin after working in Legends several years ago. She goes above and beyond to help the f&b team in the A-Frame. She doesn’t stop moving, takes initiative to help the kitchen in the dish pit and has the brightest smile and positive energy!


Brock Kitchn

Ally Mudro

Mountain Patrol:

Hannah Bussy - aka “Rookie Patroller of the Year” from last winter continues to operate under the A-Mazing M.O.! Hannah never ceases to disappoint with her “can do” style and willingness to take on any work assignment given to her. She comes to work every day with an infectious smile and the confidence to do the absolute best at whatever is thrown her way. Working summers at A-Basin is a coveted job for many within Patrol, and Hannah seized the opportunity to advance her Patrol career to work with us. This has helped shape her learning and given her more experience not only as first responder but also within summer operations. I am certain she will continue on this path as she heads into her second season on our patrol. I couldn’t be more proud of her commitment and ongoing development at A-Basin!

Jasmine Wieger - has been working alone last winter and this summer as our only Trails Coordinator! I can promise Jazzy that help is on the way as we fill a second Trails position this fall! What is A-Mazing about Jazzy, is how she has handled this position on her own, effectively doing the job of two people. This summer she has been tasked with boosting our boundary signage, documenting our new signage and helping us understand what is required to keep our trails/boundaries safe as we span multiple operating seasons. Without asking, Jasmine has also taken it upon herself to document and lead training for Summer Openings and Closing Trails. I admire Jasmine’s commitment to A-Basin always looking at ways and ideas to improve our operation. Her confidence and knowledge is pouring over into other departments and she is has proven herself as a leader at A-Basin.

Jozy Gessner - has again proven herself to be another leader within Mountain Patrol. Jozy is our Tech Rescue/Lift Evacuation Coordinator and has been instrumental at upping our game in this department. She has undergone multiple tramway inspections without deficiency for our Patrol. She has successfully implemented a solid approach to training our patrollers on cable riding, tech rescue and lift evacuation, all while maintaining a level of enthusiasm and professionalism for all other patrol related skillsets. She is unforgiving and relentless at making sure she is truly the “Jack of all Trades” and the “Master of All Trades” within our patrol. Jozy is one of our best patrollers in the summer time, looking for every opportunity she can to open a mountain bike trail for the day or making sure she pulls off training as scheduled. I am extremely impressed at her abilities, modesty and willingness to share her knowledge as a leader on Mountain Patrol.

Lift Maintenance:

Lift maintenance would like to nominate Drea Castillo and Sam Soucy for our amazing employees. They are both eager and enthusiastic to learn and help out wherever possible….

Trail Crew:

David Singleton:

Dave's love for trail building is evident every day he shows up to work. His leadership and work ethic have been instrumental to our fantastic progress on what is shaping up to be a gorgeous new trail.

Tom Olsen:

Tom has been holding it down like a rock for the Sawyer crew. He dependably puts his head down and works hard despite the physically grueling work. He's contributed greatly to their progress this summer on new improvements in the Beavers terrain.

Via Ferrata:

Zach Smith

This is Zach’s second year as a Via Ferrata guide. He is a great instructor and knowledgeable guide. Zach knows when to sit back and let guests find their way but more importantly, he knows when to jump in and suggest footholds or more efficient paths. His guidance keeps guests on track and moving through the fear. Zach also adds value to each guest’s experience by taking photos and often carrying their lunches for them. Thank you for all you do Zach!

Thomas Beatty

After a one-year hiatus, Thomas returned to guide on the Via Ferrata again this summer. His calm, friendly, and humble demeanor gives our guests the confidence they need to conquer their fear and make it to the top. In addition to his top-notch guiding, he is also an excellent photographer and adds value to each day by providing guests with photos of their climb at the end of the day. Thank you for all you do Thomas!


Vehicle Maintenance: I am selecting Vehicle Maintenance as a whole department for the Safety Award winner this time around. Their department has shown they take workplace injuries seriously and have time and time again followed all of the correct procedures for reporting and documenting injuries in their department. For one recent injury there was no delay in reporting or documentation and they fixed the hazard that caused the injury very quickly to ensure no other staff members are exposed to the specific thing that caused one of their employees to get injured.


John’s been going above and beyond this summer for sustainability. Setting a great example, he’s come in for hikes on days off, grabbing a trash bag, and having private mountain clean-ups of his own. (He even semi-inspired our ongoing program where you all can get rewarded for doing the same! – See Helena’s August Green Sheet newsletter for details). He also happily worked the lifts for our Zuma clean-up event, with tons of help from the always great lift ops crew also. As our Zuma bottom op that day, he helped in getting all our trash bundled, loaded and secured on Zuma lift chairs to leave the bowl, in the process being the only person to get fully caught in the rain that day – sorry John! Huge thanks for your enthusiasm and great having your help this summer.

VM/BM/ Snowmaking:

Tyler Magann - Man, the Myth and now the Movie... Tyler thank you for your years of hard work at Arapahoe Basin, you will be missed!!!

HR/MKTG/Accounting/ IT:

James Griffin

James has worked incredibly hard testing, learning, and adapting our old processes to our new Coupa software. Despite the challenges, he has shown great patience and perseverance. Thank you, James!


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